MAF Technologies representative, Nicholas Jowapo assisting in baptising a new believer in the water.
Photo by Kowara Bell

MAF Technologies continues to support remote churches to promote transformation and strengthening of faith in Christ through Bible distribution.

A Story By MAF Technologies, Kowara Bell

According to the National Research Institute, illiteracy is becoming a major concern in PNG, and the country's literacy rate is shockingly low when compared to other Pacific island nations. Despite the high rate of illiteracy being perceived as a barrier for the vast majority of rural Papua New Guineans, MAF Technologies strives to minister God’s Gospel by supplying hundreds of audio Bibles to remote areas of Papua New Guinea through its Church partners like FNBC, mission organisations, and also through the Bible box distribution via MAF planes so remote lives can access God's word.

The Fellowship of National Bible Churches (FNBC) was behind the initiative of conducting comprehensive study for God's word using the Planim Post chronological teaching, which is available through the Audio Bible. Thanks to the donated and subsidised Bibles, over 170 locals from Nandani, Okainawa and Yavaipo village in Menyamya and Bulolo district who participated in the Planim Pos study program were baptised after giving their lives to the Lord. Even families of participants who attended the study had their lives impacted.

Kachiwi Holisa, a believer from Okainawa who was baptised, professed that her life was renewed in Christ through this study. “My life is not perfect, and I am a sinful woman. I thought no one could save me. But as I began to read and comprehend the Bible through the teaching, I realised that only Jesus can save me. And through his death on the cross, my sins were gone and now I am free,” she said.

Participants of the Planim Pos are in getting ready to be baptised in the river.
Photo By Kowara Bell
Planim Pos participants in white colours getting ready to be Baptised in the river.

This study has led to communities being rejuvenated and families being restored as they meditate on God's word daily having access to the print and audio Bibles.

Amongst the 170 people who got baptised was a young man who in the past struggled with drug addiction and found salvation, giving his life to the Lord. “I would smoke drugs (marijuana) hang out on the streets doing illegal activities with others, believing that the substance would save me. I did a lot of things that the Lord is not proud of. But, just a day ago, I received Jesus through God's teachings and quit everything, and am willing to follow Jesus Christ.” he said.

Pastor Robert Hane, FNBC missionary and Planim Pos facilitator, said the ministry had just begun and he hoped the collaboration with MAF Technologies would continue, as there are many people in rural communities who struggle to fully comprehend God’s word.

"The printed and audio Bibles have been an instrumental tool that assisted the participants to comprehend the word of God and I am truly grateful to MAF Technologies for their ongoing support," he said.

Click here to learn more about MAF Technologies' Outreach Solutions — MAF Technologies Papua New Guinea