MAF is looking for...

  • People called by God, qualified and dedicated with a passion to serve God in worldwide ministry…

  • People who will go the distance to share God’s love – no matter what the barriers may be…

  • People who want to serve God through their skills and talents to help overcome barriers to the Gospel…

  • People with servant’s attitudes that are flexible enough to adapt in rapidly changing circumstances, while still able to work within the highest technical standards…

  • People who want to serve God through their skills and talents to help deliver relief and development in Jesus name…

In case you missed the recurring theme, let's sum it up; above all else, it takes a servant heart.

In fact, without the support of those 'servant hearts' who have gone before, Mission Aviation Fellowship would not be where it is today: advancing God's kingdom around the world since 1946.

Leon Prinsloo prays for medevac patient
Photo: Dave Forney
Role Requirements

We can offer you the opportunity to join a dedicated group of Christian professionals, committed to showing the love of Christ through serving isolated communities across the world.

You will have experiences of a lifetime that you will want to share with friends and family. We also believe you will develop your professional and personal life skills, as well as your faith.

All our international staff are asked to commit to a minimum four-year term of service. They are also required to embark on a process of Ministry Partnership. This involves the garnering of sponsorship toward the programme you intend serving in, as well as raising awareness about MAF and encouraging prayer for the ministry. This is usually within your church group but also associated friends in your wider network.

Serving with MAF, staff generally receive a financial living allowance, accommodation, medical cover and leave for holidays and home visits. For families joining MAF, allowances are also provided which include consideration for child education.

Any allowances are tailored to individual programmes and locations, and consider local conditions. Allowances offered will be determined in agreement with the national Ministry Support Group you belong to, which will assist you while you are in the field. We know the prospect of Ministry Partnership can be daunting, however, we are here to help with all the training, guidance and tools you need to succeed.

Pilot Piet Muilwijkflying in Papua New Guinea
Photo: Marijke Muilwijk

We are currently looking for experienced pilots who have an International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) based Commercial Pilot Licence with an instrument rating and Class 1 medical certificate. This is the minimum licensing requirement for all pilot positions.

In addition to this, you must already possess a minimum number of flight hours, with a portion of these as a Pilot in Command (PIC). Finally all Pilots must pass the MAF capability and Psychological assessments.

We know this is lot to ask, but we want team members who can thrive not just survive and that is why we look for this unique blend of skills and qualities.

Our minimum flight hours are as follows:

500+ hours of total flight time

This includes 300 PIC hours and 10 hours night flying.

1000+ hours total flight time

This includes 500 PIC hours and 10 hours night flying. Pilots with this level of experience can serve in many locations. Please see our latest vacancies.

Under 500 hours total flight time?

While we are not actively recruiting pilots with less than 500 hours at this time, we still want to hear from you! If you're working towards this milestone, reach out and let us know about your flying experience so far—we’d love to keep in touch for future opportunities. 

Candidates from a Preferred Training Provider (PTP) may be considered with a minimum of 250 hours, subject to available vacancies and location.

Engineer Arsene working on C208 in Chad
Photo: Phil Henderson

Qualified Engineers

We need people with an ICAO Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence, ideally with a minimum of two years’ experience, which can include experience gained while working towards your licence.

Avionics Engineer

If you are looking to be an avionics engineer, we will also require evidence of two years’ experience together with a licence for this specialism.

Chief Engineer

For a Chief Engineer we would like to see a broad licence coverage, appropriate to the aircraft MAF operates. Ideally a minimum of five years maintenance experience and a genuine desire to lead and develop local staff. The experience can have been gained on turbine or piston engine aircraft.

Additional qualities

There are other crucial attributes we are looking for in order to join the MAF family.

  • The desire to be a part of a close-knit team.
  • A willingness to show initiative and to be proactive in your approach to your maintenance, repair and certification taskings.
  • We would like a great communicator who will forge strong relationships with colleagues, customers and partners.
  • Problem solving will come naturally to you with exceptional attention to detail.
  • You will be comfortable with completing all manner of documentation, which is as crucial for the aviation industry as your practical skills.
  • MAF prides itself on its quality, safety and hazard reporting management systems. You will be a main player in seeking opportunities for continual improvement in these areas.

Imelda works in MAF office in Dili
Photo: Mark & Kelly Hewes

In addition to pilots and engineers, the MAF team is made up of a range of skilled staff carrying out ground based operational, management and support roles in programmes.

Areas of specialism include:

  • Programme operations
  • Quality, safety and security
  • Communications
  • Human Resources
  • Finance
  • IT

Job holders need to have:

  • Excellent written and spoken English
  • Demonstrable ability and success in their area of speciality
  • Preferably experience of working on a multi-cultural team and in a developing country

In management positions, strong evidence of effective leadership is required, as most job holders will support the performance, physical and spiritual wellbeing of staff.