How MAF Flights are Funded
The vast majority of MAF flights are subsidised by donations. Most of our passengers contribute to the cost of their flight, but the level of contribution varies depending on the customer and the country.
MAF Funding
MAF International is funded primarily through our Member Groups from around the world. We deeply value our partnership with them. Their supporters’ contribution to the ministry of MAF is vital.
In general, donations from our Member Groups fund two thirds of our operation, with the remaining third being funded by customer contributions. However, this varies greatly by location.
Separation of Activities
MAF differentiates development from welfare, politics and religion and will avoid applying development funding, whether from government agencies or from the general public, to such non-development activities. MAF extends this requirement to separate non-development activity to its implementing partners.
Our financial and operating systems enable us to apply donations or funding intended for development purposes to be applied to those activities specifically. This separation of activity allows donors to fund or support MAF activity that interests them.