For over five decades, Glenda Giles has been a beacon of light in Papua New Guinea, spreading faith, building schools, and nurturing the nation’s next generation. Learn how MAF has played a pivotal role in her journey.
I came to PNG in 1967 and flew to Kelabo where I learnt the Yuna (Duna) language of the Lake Kopiago area and started a literacy progamme. After translating the New Testament which was delivered into Tekin by MAF and distributed to the many churches in the area, at the request of many parents, I started establishing English speaking High Schools in the government system to cater for the needs of young people growing up in remote places and needing education to participate in the growth of their churches and the nation.
The wings of MAF planes flying daily over the rough terrain of PNG are bringing light into places of darkness, healing to those who suffer, hope to those who previously felt so hopeless.
I participated in starting Koroba High School and Margarima High School in the Highlands region. Then after a few years as a secondary school inspector at Vanimo on the coast, two mission agency High Schools in the government system at Green River and Tekin in Sandaun Province.
At that time Green River and Tekin were accessed only by air. There were no roads connecting to the coast or any major town. Everything was brought to us by MAF planes - from exercise books to nails and roofing iron. We deeply appreciated these “wings over the school’’ delivering anything from outside that we needed for survival and on standby for any medical evacuation. The product has been the ex-students. Some are church leaders, some doctors, some lawyers, a member of parliament, many Christian nurses and teachers and many educated and faithful citizens of this country.

I am now 82 years old and have been retired from the classroom for the last two years. I now live in the coastal town of Wewak, PNG. I write school text books, and try to train and encourage teachers. I visit schools and training courses sometimes by rough roads, but to the unreachable places, where possible, still by air with MAF.
MAF has been a bridge here in PNG bringing remote young people into modern society. The educated sons and daughters of remote people are now making their mark as they bring a Christian perspective to many aspects of life in this fast growing and restless country. The wings of MAF planes flying daily over the rough terrain of PNG are bringing light into places of darkness, healing to those who suffer, hope to those who previously felt so hopeless.
Thank you God and thank you MAF.