Grade Nine students Of Ginitoka high school, pose for a picture during class
Photo by Kowara Bell

Schools in PNG welcome positive influence as teachers deal with tide of disobedience and respect.

Story by MAF Technologies, Kowara Bell

Amid a backdrop of social and behavioural issues that many schools in Papua New Guinea experience, MAF is inspiring change by getting Bibles into the hands of teenagers.

A team from MAF Technologies, based in Goroka, delivered 2000 Bibles to Ginitoka High School and 1000 to Asaroka Lutheran Secondary School in the Eastern Highlands Province.

MAF Technologies Ministry Partnership Officer Caine Ruruk encouraged the students and teachers of Ginitoka High School to think about how the Bibles can support them as they follow their goals and dreams.

"You have been educated, but the best education you can get is from God's word. Our challenge to you students is that you will receive this Bible, but how should you use it to help you with your spiritual growth and academic success?" Caine said.

Craydola Walo, a grade nine student from Ginitoka, shared her testimony that the Bible has helped her understand many aspects of life and in her learning as well.

‘’After receiving the Bible, I began reading Philippians 4:13, which has been helping me to understand the importance of God’s word and how it correlates to my academic studies, and that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me," she said.

Jack Oya'a, another student representative, emphasised that the Bibles donated include both standard English and Tok-Pisin translations in one book, making it easier for readers, particularly students, to understand.

“I see that it will help me improve my personal relationship with Christ while also expanding my vocabulary as I read daily,’’ Jack said.

Craydola doing her school work during class time
Photo by Kowara Bell
Craydola Walo doing her school work during class time.

Jim Jujumo, Principal of Asaroka Lutheran Secondary School which also received a thousand printed Bibles, revealed that many schools in PNG are struggling to deal with student behavioral issues.

He added that issues like disobedience, disrespect towards teachers or peers has been the course of disruption in the learning environment.

“Most of these students have been exposed to tribal warfare and domestic violence at an early age, while some who grew up in settlements struggle to interact respectfully with their teachers,” he said.

The donated printed Bible boxes loaded by MAF Techologies staff.
Photo by Kowara Bell
The donated printed Bible boxes loaded by MAF Techologies staff.

“But I am grateful for the donated Bibles, which I believe will play a major role in influencing my students' lives by allowing them to develop a special relationship with Christ and develop good characters as they grow in God’s word.’’

The principal also expressed his thanks to the MAF Technologies team and those who have covered the cost of distributing the Bibles, as he believes that only God's word can influence and change the lives of the students who are the future generation of the country.

Click here to learn more about MAF Technologies' Bible distribution. MAF Technologies Papua New Guinea