Author: Lobitos Alves
How the MAF shuttle service fosters Blue Ventures in Timor-Leste to support coastal community on Atauro Island to restore their marine ecosystem.
The ocean is one of the main sources of livelihood for the people of Bikeli, a coastal region located in the northeastern part of Atauro island, where most people rely on fishing activities to sustain their lives.
Now, the marine ecosystem in that area is under threat, and fishing activities are decreasing, forcing the local community to find new ways to sustain their means of living.
Antonio Pereira explained why the ocean is so important to them.
“I am a local fisherman from Bikeli, and I engage in fishing and seaweed farming. I started fishing when I was 11 years old, and I have been doing it ever since,” said Mr Pereira.

“The fish I catch are prepared for meals, and some are sold to earn money to support my children’s education.”
His community is working with the conservation Not-for-profit organization Blue Ventures, which reaches Atauro Island using MAF flights from the capital Dili. Mr Pereira also explained why it is important to implement a traditional Tara Bandu conservation method to protect their marine habitat.
“Fishing is now very difficult because there are fewer fish compared to the past, so we are now shifting to seaweed harvesting,” he said.
Fishing is now very difficult,...so we are now shifting to seaweed harvesting
“I went to Beloi, our neighbouring village located on the eastern part of Atauro Island, for two weeks, where we observed the results of fishing Tara Bandu, showing that the fish were very abundant.
“So, we returned to our village to initiate a Tara Bandu for fishing activities, with assistance from Blue Ventures in Timor-Leste, to help us conserve our fish.”
Tara Bandu is a Timorese concept of law which aims to conserve natural resources and ensure their sustainable use for the future.
It encompasses fishing restrictions and designates marine activity areas to balance human activities and the natural ecosystem, combining traditional knowledge with modern conservation methods.
Armindo Marques, the Blue Ventures Programme Officer and a local resident of Bikeli, explained how his team supported the local community establish marine conservation efforts.
“The community’s behaviour contributes to harming their marine ecosystem by practising overfishing and using fishing tools that destroy the coral reefs,” said Mr Marques.

“Blue Ventures supports coastal communities of Bikeli manage their marine resources by implementing Tara Bandu.
“We have more than 50 species of fish and other marine life in the conservation area, including pelagic fish, demersal fish, octopuses, seahorses, sharks, turtles, and many other species.”
Blue Ventures is a marine conservation organisation that supports coastal communities in remote areas to rebuild sustainable ocean ecosystems.
“Our programme assists coastal communities in protecting their marine species, particularly fish, seaweed, and coral reefs, while ensuring their revenue to improve their lives,” said Mr Marques.
“In Tara Bandu, the community with our support, establishes restrictions on fishing activities, including the uses of nets and spearfishing. This approach also helps protect coral reefs and supports the growth of seagrass.”

He also emphasised how MAF shuttle flights are important for their work in helping the community on Atauro Island.
“We usually fly frequently with MAF planes from Dili to Atauro, and they really help us, and other organisations, as well as local communities on Atauro Island,” said Mr Marques.
“During the wet season, we find it very difficult to travel by boat, but MAF planes truly help us a lot.
“We want to continue maintaining our partnership with MAF, and we are grateful for their commitment to supporting us by providing flights during urgent times.”
MAF pilot Joe Farren shared his appreciation for the work of Blue Ventures with the people of Atauro Island.
“Thank you for the work you're doing. It was amazing when I had the opportunity to go with some of our staff, visit Blue Ventures, see the work they do, and go out on a small fisherman’s boat to explore the incredible reef they care for,” he said.
“It's awesome how we get to partner with NGOs here and enable them to have a greater impact in the areas where they operate.
“We’re able to help increase that impact by directly providing a means of transport for them, both for their staff and for any supplies they may need.”