
We are committed to demonstrating our organisational values and continuous improvement in all that we do. Therefore, we value complaints and feedback and recognise that effective complaint handling will benefit our stakeholders, our reputation and our administration. We affirm that complaints can highlight weakness in our systems, policies, processes and service delivery, and can stimulate us to improve. We also affirm that excellent complaint and feedback handling will reassure stakeholders that we are committed to just and transparent resolution of problems, improving relations, building loyalty and enhancing accountability. Our complaints and feedback processes reflect these commitments.

Complaints Process

MAF enables stakeholders to make complaints to the organisation in a safe and confidential manner. Our complaints policy is detailed above and together with the following, will ensure that our complaint process:

  1. Is readily accessible on our website at
  2. Provides a safe and discrete point of contact for stakeholders to raise concerns or complaints about the organisation
  3. Is responsive and fair, taking into consideration the needs of vulnerable and disadvantaged stakeholders
  4. Allows for complaints regarding an alleged breach of applicable codes of conduct
  5. Has context suitable mediums, such as paper based QASAR forms, web-based logging and ability to make verbal complaint to staff
  6. Will provide the opportunity to organisations and to the public for complaints to be made directly to other peak bodies or agencies (such as the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID)) when required.

Accordingly, each programme shall have a customer complaint/feedback system and shall ensure that staff, beneficiaries and implementing partners are made aware of the complaints process.

The preferred point of entry for a complaint is the complaint link on the MAF International Website. Any complaint made to the MAF International Website will be at first reviewed by the Director of Quality, Safety and Security and addressed by the most appropriate means, these may include:

  • Conducting internal investigations
  • Forwarding onto the relevant Programme Quality Manager for investigation
  • Directing to Human Resources/Finance/FOQM/TOQM (as applicable) for issues breaching code conduct or involving behaviour of staff.

For issues which fall outside of MAF policy (such as complaints against another organisation or government) the Director of Quality, Safety and Security will make a report to the appropriate company, or authority.

If programmes are unable to direct stakeholders to the complaint link on the MAF International Website, they shall provide a complaint email address on the programme.

For stakeholders who lack internet access or who are illiterate, programmes are to facilitate verbal complaints to be made to our agents, implementing partners or staff. The paper-based QASAR form can be used to assist in documenting the complaint, which shall then be lodged within the quality system.

Complaints will be responded to by acknowledging receipt of the complaint as soon as practicable but within two weeks.

Customer complaints shall be dealt with using the Quality Management System via the Mantis recording and tracking database. The following steps are taken:

Complaints are raised in the Mantis Quality/Safety database and given a traceable number.

These are categorised as Customer Feedback.

The relevant in programme Quality Manager or Director of Quality, Safety and Security (or delegate) will investigate the complaint and produce SMART corrective and preventive actions to fully address the issue and prevent re-occurrence.

These CAPAs are time limited. The time limits are set by the seriousness of the event which is determined using the risk matrix and severity assessment grid.

Timely and effective completion of them is ensured by the appropriate programme or Director of Quality, Safety and Security (or delegate).

Overdue CAPAs are reported on and monitored quarterly at MAF International board level as a safety performance indicator.

All complaints shall be investigated by the programme or Director of Quality, Safety and Security (or delegate) (as appropriate) to determine whether a valid grievance exists. Upon completion of the initial investigation, the Programme or Regional Manager will determine what further action if any, is required.

Where an individual or organisation has suffered loss or harm do to MAF’s fault, steps towards remediation will be made in accordance our terms and conditions, and relevant consumer law. This may include assistance with, or referrals, to appropriate medical, social, legal or financial services.

Customers shall be advised of the result of the investigation as soon as practicable but within two weeks of completion. This advice shall indicate what action (if any) MAF have or will take.